Forms Needed to Join the Republican Party in Florida

Becoming a Member of the Republican Party in Florida mean becomming a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, representing the Precinct where you live, in your county.

There is no fee to become a Precinct Representative.

(These instructions are designed for Lake County, but in general, they will apply for every county in Florida).

First, you have to complete 2 Florida Department of State/Division of Election forms

DSDE-84 Statement of Candidate (revised 05-2011)

Download this form.  Fill in your name.  Fill in Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, as the case may be.  Sign and date the form.

This form references Section 106 of Florida Statutes.  This relates to Campaign Finance and filing Campaign Finance Reports.  This will never affect most Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, so don’t let this trouble you.

DSDE-305C Precinct Committeeman and Committeewoman Candidate Oath (revised 10-2023)

Download this form.  Fill in your name.  Mark the two check boxes, if needed.  Check the box for Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, as appropriate.  Fill in your precinct number.  (This can be found at  Fill in the county name.  Fill in “Republican” for the Party.  Check the box regarding outstanding fees.

Fill in your phone number and email address.  Fill in your street address, city, state and zip code.

This form must be signed in the presence of a Notary.  (Banks frequently do this free for customers).  Be sure the Notary completly all parts of the Notary section.

(No need to fill out pages 2 and 3).

These two forms must be filed with the Supervisor of Elections.  Be sure to obtain a copy that is date stamped.

Make two copies of the date stamped forms.  Keep one for yourself.  Give one to Tom Vail.

Next, you have to submit a Party Loyalty Oath form to the Chair of the County Republican Executive Committee.

RPOF Party Loyalty Oath (revised 6-11-2022)

Download this form.  Fill in your name.  Sign and date the form. Fill in your precinct number. Fill in Party Office: Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman, as appropriate.

Fill in your street address, city, state and zip code.  Fill in your email address.

This form must be signed by a witness.  Be sure to print the witness name.

Make a copy of the form.  Keep one for yourself.  Give one to Tom Vail.

The final step is attending a Republican Executive Committee Meeting and being voted in by the existing members.


You must be a registered Republican voter for 365 days before you are eligible to become a Member of the Republican Executive Committee, a Precinct Representative.  You must live in the precinct you will represent.

There is no filing fee.

There is no entrance fee.

There are no dues.

You are not required to donate to any candidate or event.

You must attend meetings.  There is an allowance for absences due to work, travel, sickness.

Click below for links to the Republican Party of Florida and the Lake County Republican Executive Committee.

Click below for links to see the Operating Documents of the Republican Party of Florida and the Lake County Republican Executive Committee.