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Thanksgiving 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving – a uniquely American holiday.  Why?  Because we ARE unique.  We are exceptional.  Our Nation was founded by people seeking both religious and political freedom – unique in the history of the world. This year, we can be...
CHEATING Starts with Voter Registration

CHEATING Starts with Voter Registration

Voter ID and Voter Registration are fundamental requirements for an honest election.  If you don’t have these requirements in place, and enforce them properly, you open the doors WIDELY for illegally stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent ballots. Bloated Voter...
We Stopped Abortion in Florida – NOT!

We Stopped Abortion in Florida – NOT!

We defeated the exteme abortion Amendment 4.  We can celebrate and relax. NO! Now is the time to take the win and the accompanying momentun and RUN! 2 years ago, the FRAUDULENT Roe v Wade decision was rescinded by the US Supreme Court.  The issue reverts to the...
Democrats are STILL Out of Touch

Democrats are STILL Out of Touch

Van Jones doesn't get it Van Jones with an amazing moment of self-realization. He describes how the Trump digital army outflanked the Dems by using online presence to reach the masses, circumventing the media. We hijacked the flow of information, and revolutionized...

The Government HATES us

The current regime in Washington, DC HATES patriotic Amnerican citizens and actively works to silence them and replace them with foreigners who do not know our history and do not understand our constitution. The following split screen video, juxtaposing an amputee in...
First They Came . . .

First They Came . . .

First they came for Alex Jones, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Conspiracy Theorist. Then they came for the Laura Loomer, and I did not speak out—because I was not an Ambush Journalist. Then they came for the Steve Bannon, and I did not speak out—because I...