The Circle of Money

The Circle of Money We pay income tax to the Federal Government. The US Congress makes FUNDING laws to BRIBE State Legislatures into making laws that the Congress KNOWS are unconstitutional.  That is, the Congress cannot legally make these laws, but the State...

The Lines are Clear

The Lines are Clear Either you accept deception and stolen elections - or you don't Political issues always force people to take sides. Usually there’s a gray area in the middle where it’s hard to determine which is the best choice.  In the case of the Jordan Brothers...
NOT a Republican Victory

NOT a Republican Victory

Guest Post by Anthony Sabatini TALLAHASSEE: One of the dumbest things to witness in Florida politics in quite a while was State House Democrat Susan Valdez “switching” to the Republican Party yesterday & the way it was rolled out. Some people online were trying to...
Thanksgiving 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving – a uniquely American holiday.  Why?  Because we ARE unique.  We are exceptional.  Our Nation was founded by people seeking both religious and political freedom – unique in the history of the world. This year, we can be...
CHEATING Starts with Voter Registration

CHEATING Starts with Voter Registration

Voter ID and Voter Registration are fundamental requirements for an honest election.  If you don’t have these requirements in place, and enforce them properly, you open the doors WIDELY for illegally stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent ballots. Bloated Voter...