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The current regime in Washington, DC HATES patriotic Amnerican citizens and actively works to silence them and replace them with foreigners who do not know our history and do not understand our constitution.

The following split screen video, juxtaposing an amputee in a wheelchair being humiliated by an intensive search conducted by a TSA employee, as if he were a criminal; as compared with a US Border Patrol agent assisting aliens ILLEGALLY entering our country across the southern border. We KNOW that the current regime in Washington, DC prefers foreigners over patriotic Americans. This video PROVES it.

Since the Reign of obama, our Federal Government has been infested with a cancer that will destroy the Nation, as we know it, unless that cancer is removed and destroyed.  That cancer is an amalgamation of Commuism, arrogance, globalism, anti-American sentiment, anti-Christian beliefs and EVIL.

These hostile ideologies have been present in our country for more than a century.  But, until obama, they gained little traction.  Was it the Executive Order that allowed PROPAGANDA to be distributed by the US Government to US Citizens?  Was it Operation Mockingbird?  Was it Media Matters?  Was it the Democrat’s love and use of the Wrap Up Smear?  Was it the COMMUNIST led attack on the Family and God, beginning in the 1960s?

Regardless of the relative importance of the multiple causes, we, as a Nation, are facing extinction – not simply death, which may come, but REPLACEMENT of Americans, Natural Born and Naturalized, with foreigners who do not love and respect the Nation they are invading.  Democrats want and NEED this.  And, OUR Federal Government is doing the work to implement this plan.  Make no mistake, this is no error in judgment.  This plan has been festering in the misguided halls of higher education for decades, slowly being foisted on the American people, like the proverbial frog slowly boiling.

Election 2024 MUST change the trajectory of the United States, returning us the to great Republic, the exception to the thousands of years of tyranny humans have lived with, throughout the world.  WE are the Last Refuge of Freedom in the world, maybe of all history.