Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving – a uniquely American holiday.  Why?  Because we ARE unique.  We are exceptional.  Our Nation was founded by people seeking both religious and political freedom – unique in the history of the world.

This year, we can be thankful that our Nation has not fallen into chaos or Marxism – both of which have been knocking at the door for several years.

We can be thankful that more Americans are opening their eyes and minds to the lies and propaganda from our government and our media.

But, most of all, we can be thankful that we live in a Nation founded on Christian principles, freedom of conscience, freedom of commerce – a culture with a solid foundation on moral law.  We are not, and never have been a Nation controlled by a theocracy, nor by a monarch who claimed a Divine Right to rule, nor a military despot.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims, who were thanking God for surviving a year in a wilderness, without support from government or civilization.  They came to this land in search of a new life.  A life without the dictates of King, Bishop, or Pope.  They wanted to worship God as their conscience directed.  They hoped to bring the Gospel to the native peoples.  They certainly knew that Pocahontas had been converted to Christianity.  And they knew that the Jamestowne outpost was principally a commercial endeavor, while their intent was a one way journey to a new land – a new life, a new beginning with their families.

From that simple beginning grew the most successful and most powerful Nation on Earth – a Nation founded on Biblical principles, invoking the name of the Creator of the Universe in its foundational document, the Declaration of Independence – 150 years after those first Christian settlers landed.

Now, 250 years after that Declaration, it is our responsibility, echoing the words of Abraham Lincoln, to continue the work that they so nobly advanced – to preserve our Constitutional Republic, and to honor the Faith of our Fathers.