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Roe v Wade has been the law of the land, allowing abortion, since 1973.  It was a FRAUD from the day it started.  The Dobbs decision FINALLY returned the issue back to states where it rightfully belonged.  This is because President Trump, along with Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, put HONEST judges on the US Supreme Court.

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Now, in November 2024, Florida voters must vote to stop the proposed, radical, abortion amendment from becoming a part of the Florida Constitution.

Everyone knows that abortion is killing babies.  Yet, the left continues to use misleading language to confuse people.  The left knows that facts will defeat its position.  Why then, do they continue to lie?

Leftists support communism.  Leftists support globalism.  Leftists support collectivism.  Leftists oppose morality and respect for others.  Leftists oppose strong families.  Leftists want and need government intervention (tyranny) to support and enforce their positions on others.  While leftists talk about choice, they actually do not support free choice.

Families are the fundamental building blocks of society.  But, leftists don’t like that.  They want the state, the government, to be the fundamental element of society, with individuals subservient.

Have I gotten off the subject of abortion is bad?  NO.  But, it its damage is far more than just the killing of a few babies.  It is killing society.

Abortion kills humanity.  It dehumanizes the fetus, treating it as an unfeeling, unimportant clump of cells, rather than the miracle of a new life starting.  At the same time, it desensitizes the mother – at least initially.   Frequently, mothers who have aborted their child suffer emotional distress for years, even decades, including guilt and depression.

Abortion supports immorality.  It helps to cover infidelities.  It helps to conceal improprieties, hiding embarrassment that would afflict “upstanding” individuals and families.

Abortion allows individuals to experience the intimacy formerly reserved for marriage and family, without the responsibility and productivity of creating and developing a family.

Abortion supports crime:  Prostitution, Rape.

While it is clear to all that abortion is NOT healthcare, and abortion is CLEARLY killing babies, there is a far more insidious harm to society that must be prevented by ending abortion in Florida.

Image above courtesy of