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Another mistake by Alan Hays.  But, just trust him.  Nothing can go wrong with our flawless election system.

Ever since the debacle of the 2020 election, Alan Hays has continued to insist that nothing can go wrong with our elections.  But, errors continue to occur.  If it’s not the system, then it MUST be the management.

In MY opinion, BOTH are deficient.

In his letter, he admits that the mistake originates in his office, but continues to insist that there is no possibility of any improper outcome.  He states that this only impacts a small number of voters.

EVERYONE has known for DECADES that mail ballots are the most accessible tools of election fraud.  Regardless of the claim of signature verification, the simple FACT that excess ballots EXIST is a threat to EVERY  voter in Lake County.  And that threat to the validity of the election extends to our state and to our Nation.

Alan Hays has a history of “mistakes” and exculpatory statements that whatever mistake has been made, really is of no consequence.

Is there ANYTHING more important to our Republic than an honest election?  We KNOW that Third World Dictatorships ROUTINELY hold elections that they claim to be “honest.”  But, in Lake County, when citizens question the possibility of a flaw in our election system, Alan Hays INSISTS that it is the question that causes a lack of trust in the system, NEVER his mistakes or actual faults in the system that cause the lack of trust.

I’m of the opinion that the government – at all levels – works for the citizens, and that the citizens have an indisputable and inalienable RIGHT to know what the goverment is doing – ESPECIALLY when it comes to elections.

One of the requirements of Florida State Law is that all ballots MUST be accounted for.  In response to THIS mistake, Alan Hays has instructed the voters receiving more than one ballot simply to destroy it, never considering that one or more of those ballots MIGHT end up in the hands of a “bad actor.”  Never forget that some elections are determined by a handful of votes.

Alan Hays, through his “mistakes” and coverups, CONTINUES to udermine conficence in Lake County elections.