Van Jones doesn't get it

Van Jones with an amazing moment of self-realization.

He describes how the Trump digital army outflanked the Dems by using online presence to reach the masses, circumventing the media.

We hijacked the flow of information, and revolutionized the way people consume news.

~ BioClandestine

While there is a small amount of truth in the commentary by Van Jones, he either doesn’t understand the reality of what happened in the November 2024 election – or he is still LYING to his listeners.

President Trump and his supporters WERE able to deliver their campaign message outside the confines of the Corporate Propaganda Media.  But, there is more to the story – more than just the mechanics of message distribution.

Decades ago, we were only able to receive information from the three major networks: ABC, NBC and CBS.  CNN tried to become the news leader.  Sadly, they have now become a laughingstock to those who can see through the LIES.  They have become the leader (in terms of audience size) in misrepresenting reality.

But, the point of the aritcle is not to expose the failings of CNN.  It is to highlight what Van Jones does not want to explain, or what he refuses to acknowledge as reality.

Democrats LIE.  They CANNOT win elections by accurately stating their goals and intention.  Because of this, they REQUIRE a Propaganda Media Outlet to give credibility to their lies and misrepresentations.  Van Jones and CNN are one of many channels doing this.

But, something changed in 2024.  Elon Musk bought Twitter – one the of the two largest socia medial platforms in the world – and he began to dismantle the propaganda and censorship mechanisms that the left relied on to deliver its message to the world.  This prevented the Left leaning censorship complex from having total message control, like they did during the 2020 election cycle.  Conservatives, Republicans and President Trump were able to deliver their messages to the public.

Having a channel with very broad audience is key to message distribution.  Eliminating a huge part of the censorship machine was critical.  But, that is still only PART of the story.

The bigger issue, that Van Jones did not discuss, is that Americans DO NOT LIKE the message from the Democrat Party.  They voted for Hillary, Biden and Kamala because Donald Trump is Hitler, planning to take away their rights, not becuase of the wonderful plans and spectacular results of the Democrat administration and candidates.  People believe lies when there is no competing truth.

THAT is the most important part of this story: TRUTH.  Truth will defeat the lies.  People in America, and around the world have been compelled to believe the lies because competing truth was silenced through multiple processes – both on Corporate Propaganda Media outlets and on multiple Social Media platforms.  And, the attacks on truth were well coordinated.

With the censorship and message control of Twitter eliminated, Americans are hearing more truth to counter the lies.  The mechanics of message distribution are essential, but it is really the TRUTH that is making the change.  Democrats and Leftists rely on lies and distortions to advance their agenda.  Without both the propaganda channel and the censorship machine, the LIES of the Left have no chance to succeed.

President Trump and Elon Musk are leading us to a brighter future – with TRUTH.