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Leftists dominate the Mainstream Media.  Leftists have infiltrated all branches and all levels of our Federal Government.  Leftists dominate in education, both at the local, public school level, and at the University Level.  Unfortuantely, this means that leftists control our language.

“Capitalist” is a term first used by Karl Marx to denigrate those who he accused of “oppressing” the working class.  Saul Alinsky, a more recent Marxist, encouraged the same kind of verbal attack on political opponents.  In the last decade, the labeling attacks have become more intense.

Election Denier

Conspiracy Theorist


Bitter Clinger

and the ever popular (and much overused) RACIST!

Probably the most recent example is Joe Biden identifying “Chrisitan Nationalists” as the biggest danger to our country.

Christians are a danger to society?

People who believe this is the greatest Nation are the danger to this Nation?

With simple analysis, it is easy to see that these labels have little or no meaning, they are just used to separate “us” from “them.”

We MUST refuse to allow destructive leftists to define us with divisive labels, and reject their redefinition of words and language.