The Circle of Money

We pay income tax to the Federal Government.

The US Congress makes FUNDING laws to BRIBE State Legislatures into making laws that the Congress KNOWS are unconstitutional.  That is, the Congress cannot legally make these laws, but the State Legislatures CAN.

[The US Constitution limits the powers of the Federal Government.  In reality, the States OWN the Federal Government.  In other countries, the states or provinces are subordinate to the National Government.  That is NOT the way our government was created.  The States actually have MORE power than the Federal Government in the US.  In other words, the States have almost unlimited jurisdiction for lawmaking, wheras the Federal Government is limited in authority by the Constitution.]

Back to the circle . . .

States, with less tax revenue than the Federal Government, are desperately seeking money.  The Congress says, “We have LOTS of money.  Just enact this law in your state, and we’ll send you MILLIONS of dollars.”

What happens next?

The State Legislature makes laws that tell the counties and cities what THEY have to do in order to receive the funding that THEY desperately need.

We could probably get more and better done with less cost if we could eliminate the “Middle Men” in Washington and Tallahassee.