Voter ID and Voter Registration are fundamental requirements for an honest election. If you don’t have these requirements in place, and enforce them properly, you open the doors WIDELY for illegally stuffing the ballot box with fraudulent ballots.
Bloated Voter Registration Rolls are NECESSARY for illegally stuffing the ballot box. How do you get MASSIVE numbers of people to register to vote, when they really don’t care?
First, they keep people on the Voter Registration Rolls FOREVER – even if they are DEAD! We’ve known this was happening in Chicago for decades. But, because of the OBVIOUS election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, we now know it is happening in every state.
When Bill Clinton was President, Democrats passed Federal legislation requiring states to offer Voter Registration with Driving License applications – known at the time as “Motor Voter. This helped to bloat the Voter Registration Rolls – ESPECIALLY with people who would not otherwise make the effort to register. People were not registering to vote because they were not really interested in voting. Using the Driving License/State ID applications process was the PERFECT way to prepare the battleground for stuffing the ballot box. These unwanted Voter Registrations are the PERFECT targets to use for stuffing the ballot box. (Computerized election systems facilitate the cheating).
States that have taken this to the next level with Automatic Voter Registration have become the “Gold Standard” for fraudulent elections. Automatic Voter Registration is GUARANTEED to bloat the Voter Registration Rolls with people who have absolutely no interest in taking part in the political process. Their votes can be influenced, bought or stolen.
In Florida, because they have little or no interest in the political process, many of these people are registered as “NPA,” No Party Affiliation. This category helps to conceal stolen elections. People who register as Democrat generally vote Democrat. People who register as Republican generally vote Republican. People who do not chose a Party affiliation – nobody can really predict how they might vote.
Florida claims to be the “Gold Standard” for elections. While better than many states, this is NOT the “Gold Standard” that should be the ultimate goal for election accuracy.
I am ABSOLUTELY convinced that Democrats CANNOT win elections without lying and cheating. But, they have become skilled at manipulating the system in order to both conduct and conceal the cheating.
We have a system of secret ballots. This is necessary to prevent undue influence on voters. NO election worker should be able to determine who a person voted for. But, even this safeguard has a potential negative effect. Once a ballot is in the ballot box, there is no way to connect it to any individual voter. The systems leading up to casting the vote MUST protect the integrity of the system. ACCURATE Voter Registration AND Voter ID are essential.
In Florida, our Voter Registration Rolls are littered with invalid Voter Registrations. FORTUNATELY, our State Legislature has enacted a measure to remove inactive voters. While this is only a partial measure, it forced Supervisors of Elections to remove approximately 1,000,000 inactive Voter Registrations in July 2023, when the statute went into effect.
We have the same problem as every other state: inactive voters are not removed. There are many reasons for this. When people move, they go to the Post Office to have their mail forwarded to their new address. But, almost nobody goes to the Elections Office to forward their Voter Registration. (In Florida, this can be done easily during the change of address process for a new Driving License).
People who want to stuff the ballot box need massive numbers of voter registrations to be able to do this effectively. Leftist organizations do this with voter registration drives. Now, the Federal Government (the Biden Regime) is trying to do this via contacts with their “customers” in every Federal Agency. Most of the people receiving government services (financial benefits) are likely to vote Democrat.
The Florida State Legislature has enacted measures to rein in some of the abuses of Leftist Voter Registration Organizations. On the other hand, they have minimized requirements applying to elected Supervisors of Elections for maintaining the accuracy of Voter Registration databases. This is how Supervisors of Elections can “honestly” claim to be “in compliance with state law,” which has no standard for the accuracy of county Voter Registration Rolls, only a requirement to conduct a periodic “maintenance process.”
The accuracy of Florida’s Voter Registration database falls to the integrity and diligence of the county level Supervisor of Elections. Removing inaccurate and ineligible Voter Registrations MUST be a priority in EVERY Florida county.