Read the following article to get some background on what is happening in the Republican Party of Florida, and how the Special Interests in Tallahassee are trying to silence the voices of grassroots patriots.

Article Excerpt
Whatever, Evan Power is the leader of the anti-FRA movement. Correction. Make that the Anti-America First movement. Read on
These latest actions show that the RPOF intends to keep Trump supporters under the heel of their jackboot, removing them from offices, and dragging them into court to undermine their power and support for Donald Trump. And, to waste their funds, of course. As for Ziegler? Maybe he wouldn’t play DeSantis’ ball game.
These most recent attacks on Trump supporters in positions of political power, continue with the removal of key people from county Republican Executive Committees. The latest was Conni Brunni of Sarasota, and Robin Lumb, of Duval . Both have been active Florida Conservatives for years.