We defeated the exteme abortion Amendment 4.  We can celebrate and relax.


Now is the time to take the win and the accompanying momentun and RUN!

2 years ago, the FRAUDULENT Roe v Wade decision was rescinded by the US Supreme Court.  The issue reverts to the States, where it rightfully belonged.  Now, people have become more aware of the abortion issue in Florida becuase of the fight over Amendment 4 – the alleged “right” to abortion.

There are so many issues on this subject, that it would take several books to cover fully.  But, the most important issue is to change our culture into an environment in which abortion is no longer wanted nor possible.  This requires both education and political action.

Now is the time to take the momentum from this MAJOR win and continue to push the abortion “right” back into oblivion where it should remain.  We MUST do this!  The Death Cult of the Left will not stop.  You KNOW that is true.  But, our side is in the Right, and we now have the opportunity and the momentum to make a historic change.  Tolerance of the Death Cult is equal to approval of its actions to change our society.

We need to amend the Florida Constitution to protect Life and prohibit abortion.

WAIT!  What about the freedom to choose?  What about exceptions for rape and incest?  What about the life and health of the pregnant mother?

The answer to all these is education.

First, choose wisely – in ALL your actions.  This would prevent most instances that would lead to seeking an abortion.

Rape and incest?  The baby is NEVER guilty.  Abortion causes just as much mental anguish to the mother as the crime that caused the pregnancy.  We almost never hear about that.

Health of the mother?  Advances in medical treatments preclude the “need” for abortion.  And, of course, miscarriage and treatment of ectopic pregnancies is NOT abortion.

Never forget what the Left always wants to overlook: Death of an unborn child caused by injury to the mother is a murder, a crime.

All of those reasons, and others, need more discussion.  But, the point of this article is to continue the fight.

Next year, we need to begin to rally behind a Pro-Life Amendment to the Florida Constitution.  Momentum IS on our side.  The TRUTH is on our side.

Winning this battle takes effort.  It takes time and money.  But, we CAN win.  The Left has been promoting lies and immorality, while concealing the truth of what they have been promoting.  We CAN win this battle.  But, we MUST unify and put in the effort it takes to win.